Dehydration & Nausea & Digestive Complaints

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Dehydration & Nausea & Digestive Complaints

Postby Bobbie » Mon Aug 08, 2005 3:33 pm


Dehydration is a risk with C. diff. and can lead to hospitalization.

To help prevent this, drink adequate fluid. Gatorade or Pedialyte are good to replenish lost electrolytes, and you can mix Gatorade half and half with water to reduce the salt if you have high blood pressure. Popcycles are good - especially for kids or if you are tired of water.

Some swear by ginger ale or 7-up - sometimes diluted with water.

To determine dehydration, pinch the skin. If it remains white and the color doesn't return for awhile, you (or your child or parent) maybe dehydrated. If in doubt, see your doctor or go to the ER. IV electrolyte replacement can restore hydration.
Last edited by Bobbie on Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:19 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Bobbie » Thu Jan 05, 2006 12:23 pm

By millie on Thursday, February 10, 2005

Cindy--we always keep ginger ale in the house, and oddly enough we both agree that Shweppes is better "medicine" than other brands. I usually drink it at room temperature, sometimes I prefer when it's gone "flat". I've used this alot since I've had the Crohn's. The Crohn's has been pretty quiet since I've been on the 6MP/Purinethol, but there are days when I still feel really yucky. I don't care to eat when I'm like that, so will usually have ginger ale and cooked pudding made with milk without lactose for a day or so. Interesting about the straw!

By Cindym February 10, 2005

During this last episode (be it the virus or cdiff relapse) I was told to drink 7up or gingerale more than gatorade. That totally blew me away as I though gatorade to be "the big guy".
Of course I am on blood pressure medicine (another wonderful thing that has happened during this cdiff experience--imagine that!) and I guess that could be why. However, the gingerale really soothed my stomach somewhat. I always heard also not to drink from a straw but now am told my internist that sipping through a straw tricks our systems into believing it is our saliva.. Is this not weird? However- it worked and helped with the nausea too!
Last edited by Bobbie on Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:20 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Bobbie » Thu Feb 09, 2006 6:08 pm

Shelby Anne posted this.

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006

Hi, I was just dicharged from the hospital yesterday, with the diagnosis being C-Diff. I'm learning alot, and how to control it, but through the years I have also learned that the symptoms of dehydration are dizziness/lightheadedness, dark urine, infrequent urination, and I personally can tell when my eyes feel exceptionally dry and puffy that I am dehydrated. I always thought the pinching of the skin on the hand was an old wives tale, but I was told yesterday at the hospital that it's not. The skin is like elastic, it should "snap back" when pinched. If it doesn't, that is indeed a sign of dehydration.

Thank you for letting me throw my ".02" in there. I'm learning alot from your board.

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Postby Bobbie » Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:01 am


Allie and Cindy donated these suggested re. nausea, a common symtom of many people with C. diff.

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006
I have seen a couple of posts about nausea, either from the C.diff or the meds. I have been suffering severe nausea from both. I wanted to let everyone know some things that are helping me right now in case they will help you too.

~Ginger and Mint tea (even just breathing in the steam helps me)
~Ginger biscuits (if you are having a good enough day to eat them)
~Preggie pops, they are made for pregnant women to help with morning sickness and nausea, but they are all natural, no sugars, and and working great for me for a little relief. Queasy pops are the same thing but are made for kids. You can find them both in a natural food store. Or online.

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 Having nausea was my worst symptom and I feel like I would have died without phenergan, gingerale and at times zofran. Tried all the natural stuff and nothing worked!
Last edited by Bobbie on Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:22 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Bobbie » Fri Jun 29, 2012 2:20 pm

by allenmj » Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:34 am

If you don't want to go to the ER, trying adding some electrolyte drink to help you rehydrate. Pedialyte works on adults too. In fact, you can get the freezepop pedialyte, which are actually quite tasty. I tried one before giving it to my daughter. Tasted like a regular ole freezepop. my little one loves them and it really helped her stay hydrated.

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Postby Bobbie » Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:52 pm

Re: Need alternative to standard electrolyte replacement

by laweath » Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:33 pm

For some reason, I decided to buy Smart Water at Target today instead of Arrowhead. Turns out that Smart Water is electrolyte enhanced. So it looks like I found my answer. I hope this will be helpful to someone else as well.

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Digestive Complaints - Compilation of Posts

Postby Bobbie » Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:19 pm

Excess gas commonly is associated with irritable bowel syndrome. Other serious gastrointestinal disorders usually produce other symptoms besides just being "gassy."

Doctors usually recommend a plan to help move gas through the intestines more readily, combined with preventive measures, such as eliminating certain foods from your diet and avoiding chewing gum.

Although many products on store shelves promise help, their success is not guaranteed and often depends on the individual. There are also prescription medicines and some alternative therapies.

Keeping a diary of the foods and beverages you consume can help you systematically eliminate one food or group of foods at a time to determine which may be most responsible for your symptoms. Dairy foods can be a culprit as many with GI problems lose the ability to digest lactose.

Chew more slowly and thoroughly. Because gas can be a sign of undigested food, the enzymes in saliva begin the first stage of breaking down food in the body's absorption process.

Eat in a stress-free environment. Relaxation is known to reduce flatulence and burping.

Avoid foods you know cause indigestion. Common food sources of gas include Brussels sprouts, bran, beans, milk products, cabbage, artificial sweeteners, carbonated beverages and alcohol.

Take a short walk after you eat to prevent gas accumulation. Maintaining a regular exercise schedule in the form of walking, jogging and calisthenics will help stimulate the passage of gas through the digestive tract.

Perform chest-to-knee stretches. Lying on your back, bring your right knee to your chest. Hold for 10 seconds and, then repeat with the other knee.

If those remedies don't provide relief, your doctor may recommend an over-the-counter antacid, activated charcoal, or a lactase or bismuth product.


Antacids contain aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide (known as Milk of Magnesia), calcium carbonate, or other ingredients individually or in various combinations.

Antacids help to control the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease, a condition in which the stomach's juices (acid and digestive enzymes) flow backward, or reflux, into the esophagus.

Some antacids contain simethicone, a foaming agent that joins gas bubbles in the stomach so that gas is more easily burped away. Simethicone is recommended for treating gas in the upper intestine.

Here are some of the commonly used antacids (OTC - over the counter; not prescription):

Brand-name antacids without simethicone:
Mylanta Gas

Brand-name antacids with simethicone:

Products with simethicone as the main ingredient:
Equalize Gas Relief Drops
Flatulex Drops
Little Tummys
Maalox Anti-Gas
Mylanta Gas
Mytab Gas

Activated Charcoal

Tablets of activated charcoal may provide relief from gas in the colon. Studies have shown that when taken before and after a meal, lower-intestinal gas is reduced.

Activated charcoal can cause black stools and constipation. While these are harmless side effects, black stools can be confusing to a physician, because color changes in stool can be a sign of a serious illness. Evidence concerning the benefit of activated charcoal is contradictory.

Products: CharcoCaps, CharcoAid


Gas is often a symptom of lactose intolerance, which makes digesting dairy products difficult. It occurs when the body has too little of the enzyme lactase in the small intestine to break down lactose, the main sugar in milk and milk-based products.

Although lactose intolerance can happen at any age, it tends to affect most people as they grow older.

But in many cases, the deficiency of lactase means you may lose only some of your enzyme, which means that your intestine may tolerate some dairy products.

Lactase comes in liquid or tablet form. Adding a few drops to milk before drinking or chewing lactase tablets just before eating helps people who have difficulty breaking down lactose.

One caution: Be sure to take calcium supplements if you avoid dairy products.

Products: LactAid, Lactrase, and Dairy Ease


Beano is an over-the-counter preparation of alpha-galactosidase, an enzyme that metabolizes certain complex carbohydrates. It helps the body digest the sugar in beans and many vegetables.

Many do not digest beans well.

Beano is not useful for gas caused by foods other than beans. The product comes in liquid form. Three to 10 drops are added to a serving of food just before eating to break down the gas-producing sugars.


This chemical element has salts to relieve inflammatory conditions of the stomach and intestines and can sometimes relieve gas. It also reduces the odor of unpleasant smelling gas caused by hydrogen sulfide, a sulfur-containing compound.

Like activated charcoal, bismuth may result in black stools. Take before or after meals, on either an empty or full stomach.

Product: Pepto-Bismol

Prescription Medications

Your doctor may prescribe medication if you have a motility disorder or irritable bowel syndrome.

Pro-motility drugs (also called pro-kinetic drugs, such as metoclopramide, brand name Reglan) may help gas move through the digestive tract rapidly. However, metoclopramide can have significant side effects.

Smoking cigarettes and chewing gum are among the hard-to-break habits that result in an accumulation of gas. But the good new is that this state of discomfort is temporary.

You may have harmless bacteria that produces gas in the intestines, or sluggish bowels that slow the body's ability to get rid of air. Your doctor may try antibiotic therapy if you have been diagnosed with bacterial overgrowth.

Alternative Therapy

Drinking a cup of water with a drop of peppermint, cinnamon or ginger extract has been known to help patients. Also, relief may be found in chewing fennel seeds, or sipping teas with peppermint, anise or chamomile after a meal.

Stomach and intestinal gas is normal. Excess gas can be distressing, but rarely is it caused by a serious medical disorder. If your symptoms cannot be easily controlled or you have additional problems such as abdominal pain, change in bowel habits, or rectal bleeding, you need to contact your doctor's office.

Do not use any of the above products without consulting your doctor and/or pharmacist. Check to see if these OTC products are compatible with other meds. you are on.

Postby Bobbie » Mon Aug 06, 2007 10:37 pm

LS contributed this.

Tip: I was able to stopped the nausea by using ground ginger. A simple old fashioned remedy that my grandmother used. I can attest the nausea is terrible with. I simply wet my pinky finger tip in water, dip it into the ground ginger, rub it across my tongue and drink a bit of water to wash it down. I hope this works for those who need it.

Bristol Stool Chart

Postby Bobbie » Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:21 pm

Roy, one of our frequent & most helpful posters, provided this info. Thx., Roy.

Re: Digestive Complaints

Postby Bobbie » Sat Aug 14, 2010 2:10 pm

More about chewing gum.

If you are having GI problems, don't chew gum. I never chew gum but started lately to try and lose some weight. My IBS syptoms became much worse. See See point #2 about IBS. Some sites saw chewing gum is good for acid reflux. Since I also have it, who do I believe? Asnwer; no one -- just experiement. Only you can determine what is best for you.

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Re: Dehydration & Nausea & Digestive Complaints

Postby Bobbie » Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:25 am

Try Sea Bands for nausea. They are wrist bands with pressure points. They can be purchased at most pharmacies.

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