Treatment Questions:

Treatments, possible treatments, unsubstantiated/unproven treatments. Consult your doctor first.
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Re: Treatment Questions:

Postby amyc » Sun May 29, 2016 4:23 pm

Questran can bind the toxin so the old toxin tests could have been effected. The new PCR test checks for the toxin DNA which is different from the toxin itself. You were off questran for 2 days and said you were having D, so any questran in your colon would have been washed out anyway. You need to trust your results, get on a steady course taking whatever amount of questran a day stabilizes you, and calm down. Then you can PM me if you want to talk about the possibility of a mast cell problem. Or just google POTS and MCAD. Or order Never Bet Against Occam by Dr Lawrence Afrin from Amazon. There is tons of info out there that can help you, but the first step is to accept that you are C diff negative and focus your attention on moving forward.

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