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Possible Overtreatment?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 1:06 pm
by YourCake
I finished a course of 14 day Vancomycin back in November and felt fine since(no diarrhea/Mucus/blood) and in December Ive noticed black specks in my stool and got anxious and told my GI doc. He order some stool test and they came back negative for blood but I didn't know he also retested for c.diff and that came back positive for toxin b. He going to prescribe dificid saying that I'm contagious this time and I honestly feel normal besides having lost a little too much weight and the occasional questionable anxiety inducing stool(specks/tiny bit of mucus on stool).

Side note most of my stools are a 4 on the Bristol stool chart or a 3 and a 2.

Re: Possible Overtreatment?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 1:43 pm
by sammyp
No symptoms = no treatment

Many healthy people carry CDiff in their guts and many people with a history of CDiff test positive for a long time after treatment. If you're not having copious watery D, there's no need to treat. Unfortunately it sounds like your doc hasn't read recent research about overtreating and treating based on symptoms only on those with CDiff history. Of course, it's your choice but if you're still unsure I'd go get a second opinion before I started taking any meds.

Also black speck on stools can be caused by a wide variety of things. Diet, meds, etc. I get them when I take Pepto, for example.

Re: Possible Overtreatment?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 1:46 pm
by AllisS
You need to find a new GI dr, in my opinion.Treating on the basis of a positive stool test in the absence of C. diff symptoms is ill-advised on his part. If you were to take Dificid under these circumstances it would create new problems. His advice that you are somehow "contagious" is based on what? Even people with active C. diff -- which isn't what you have -- aren't "contagious" in conditions of normal, everyday life.