C. difficile inhibited by natural "black cumin seed oil" - with research and success story!

We spend a lot of time talking about the bad news in this discussion group - here's the spot for the good news. If you've had c-diff and are now well, please tell us about it here.
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C. difficile inhibited by natural "black cumin seed oil" - with research and success story!

Postby Storm » Sat Apr 14, 2018 2:58 am

~~~~~~~RESEARCH #1:~~~~~~~

An active principle of Nigella sativa L., thymoquinone, showing significant antimicrobial activity against anaerobic bacteria:

~~~~~~~SUMARY of FINDING:~~~~~~~

1. Black Cumin Seed oil (Nigella sativa) contains an active compound called Thymoquinone (TQ) that is known to control many fungi, bacteria, and some viruses.

2. The researcher found that Thymoquinone (TQ) inhibits several strains of pathogenic, anaerobic bacteria, including C. difficile and C. perfringens

Image 1: At concentration of 160 ug/ml, TQ stops C. perfringens from growing
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl ... figure/F1/
(Notes: White spots on the dish is the bacterial growth; the black dish indicates that the bacteria cannot grow)

Image 2: At concentration of 40 ug/ml, TQ stops C. difficile from growing
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl ... figure/F2/

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Re: C. difficile inhibited by natural "black cumin seed oil" - with research and success story!

Postby Storm » Sat Apr 14, 2018 3:06 am

~~~~~~~RESEARCH #2:~~~~~~~

Inhibition of Clostridium difficile by natural herbal extracts:
www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/p ... 1216300385

~~~~~~~SUMARY of FINDING:~~~~~~~

1. Black seed oil inhibits the growth of C. difficile strains.

2. The antibacterial activity of black seed oil is still effective in acidic environment, pH of 1.5 (the average stomach pH).

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Re: C. difficile inhibited by natural "black cumin seed oil" - with research and success story!

Postby Storm » Sat Apr 14, 2018 3:12 am

~~~~~~~MY SUCCESS STORY~~~~~~~

I have Ulcerative Colitis - a 6-month long Ulcerative Colitis induced by the side effects of acne medication (Doxycycline, Accutane / Isotretinoin). Fortunately, I stumbled upon a cure, and I'm now in remission, and I hope (and know!) that this cure can and will help MANY of you, so you can have your life back!


Background medical history:

More than a year ago, I was put on a 3-month plan of Doxycycline for my cystic acne. The acne went and came back. Then, I had diarrhea and went off of it. About 1 year ago (Feb 2017), I was put on a 6-month plan of this prescription medication named Isotretinoin for acne. A few weeks after that, I started to experience gastrointestinal problems (e.g. watery stool, hemorrhoid, and sometimes bloody stool). I stopped taking the medication and started eating yogurt and drinking probiotics, and within 2-3 days, the stool no longer had blood. I took a break from the meds, and resumed it after a few weeks, and just cycled on and off every 2 weeks.

Then around in July of last year (5 months in), I began having severe symptoms like I had before. At this point, I quit the Accutane completely. I also resumed the yogurt and probiotics. Everything seemed to have been back normal again after a week, except for a mild case of chronic hemorrhoid.


Recurrence of Colitis symptoms:

Approximately two weeks ago, all the symptoms, including DAILY bloody stool and rectal bleeding, came back without a clear cause. However, this time, the symptoms did not improve at all with probiotics. After two weeks, I was faced with a dilemma:

1) Seek conventional treatment that would involve the use of more synthetic medications, such as corticosteroids that just suppresses the symptoms and the immune system, that make the body even more susceptible to infection (the very cause of colitis in the first place!)

or 2) Seek a treatment that involves the use of natural medicine.



I started doing tons of research, and tried everything from turmeric to omega-3 (fish / flax seed oil), and combined everything with a daily eating of up to 64 oz of yogurt for the probiotics (!) but NOTHING WORKED!

Fortunately, I came across a research article on Nigella sativa (black cumin seed) oil and its ability to inhibit the growth of Closstridium difficile (the bacteria that causes colitis!) and other pathogenic microbes and viruses. This gave me the confidence to give this oil a try.


My simple Black Cumin oil protocol:

I started with 2 teaspoons of Nigella sativa oil (100% pure) at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and before bed. To my amazement, within just two days (!!!), my stool is no longer as bloody and the rectal bleeding is nearly gone!

So to the folks reading this... if all of the conventional treatments are not helping and you don't see much improvements, TRY Black Cumin seed oil!



This oil has been used in food in the Mediterranean, Middle East, India, and South Asia for centuries, and it is VERY safe!!!

You can still continue your conventional treatments, but you should start incorporating this Cumin seed oil into your diet. It's an oil that you can add to your salad, bread, or any other food. Add 2 teaspoons to your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and take 2 more teaspoons before bed.

I need to repeat this again: I was having heavy rectal bleeding and bloody stool EVERY DAY for 2 weeks straight, and as soon as I started taking Cumin seed oil, the bleeding is nearly gone!!! In just 2 days!!!

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Re: C. difficile inhibited by natural "black cumin seed oil" - with research and success story!

Postby Storm » Sat Apr 14, 2018 4:15 am

~~~~~~~FOOD / DRINKS TO AVOID WHILE YOU STILL HAVE C. difficile~~~~~~~

1. Coffee (food / drinks that contain caffeine)

2. Chocolate (food / drinks that contain Theobromine)


Caffeine and/or Theobromine were found to increase the formation of Clostridium spores from less than 1% to more than 80-85%:

~~~~~~~OTHER FOOD / DRINKS TO WATCH OUT FOR (but not necessarily avoid)~~~~~~~

3. Food or drinks that contain high amounts of Taurine (such as energy drinks)

4. Food or drinks that contain high amounts of Glycine


It was found that these compounds help Clostridium spores to germinate (hatch):


"In bile, glycine is conjugated to cholate (Fig. 1). When glycocholate passes into the lower bowel, the glycyl group is deconjugated from cholate by the normal bacterial flora (5). The products of deconjugation are cholate and glycine. When deconjugated by the normal flora, the production of both cholate and glycine from glycocholate results in two compounds that are sufficient to stimulate germination and outgrowth of C. difficile spores."



"To aid in digestion, the gall bladder secretes bile into the duodenum, where it helps to absorb fat and cholesterol. The primary bile produced by the liver consists mainly of cholate and chenodeoxycholate conjugated with either taurine or glycine.

We report here that C. difficile spores germinate rapidly in vitro when exposed to taurocholate but only in a rich medium that does not by itself induce efficient germination. Using a defined medium, we found that glycine and taurocholate act as cogerminants and are sufficient to induce germination of C. difficile spores. Secondary bile salts induced germination but also inhibited outgrowth of the germinated spores. These results form the basis for a new model to explain the role of the normal flora in preventing C. difficile infection."



1. It is NOT necessarily a bad thing if the dormant Clostridium spores germinate (hatch) into living bacteria, because this is when they are vulnerable to antibiotics. If you're taking antibiotics, you would want the spores to hatch so you can kill them.

2. In the research above, they found that normal intestinal bacteria ("good bacteria") produces an acid called Deoxycholate that germinates (hatches) the Clostridium spores, but the acid also prevents the growth of the Closstridium! They hypothesized that this is how normal bacteria helps combat Clostridium.

What does this mean? Get plenty of probiotics / yogurt!!!


1. When I drank coffee and chocolate, I get flare up and recurring symptoms (minor rectal bleeding, watery stool).
2. When I drink tea or any other drinks supplement with Taurine, I also get flare up within a day or two.

This was observed a year before I knew about these research articles!

3. When I drank Black Cumin seed oil and ate yogurt, my condition improved much quicker than either one alone!


* The person named sm1693 who posted this topic that highlighted many of the above research articles:
https://raypeatforum.com/community/thre ... hers.6608/

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Re: C. difficile inhibited by natural "black cumin seed oil" - with research and success story!

Postby roy » Sat Apr 14, 2018 10:47 am

We're you ever diagnosed or treated for an overgrowth of c.diff?

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Re: C. difficile inhibited by natural "black cumin seed oil" - with research and success story!

Postby Storm » Sat Apr 14, 2018 6:25 pm

When I was put on Doxycycline for 3 months, I started to get diarrhea at near the end, and my doctor told me it's pseudo colitis and took me off of the med, but she did not order a stool exam at the time. Back then, I had no idea about C. difficile, so I didn't inquire about it. There were no symptoms of it (e.g. bloody diarrhea).

A year or so after, I was put on Doxycycline again for 2 months and followed by 5 months of Accutane, by a dermatologist. By the end of the fifth month of Accutane, I started to have watery stool that progressed to stool with yellow puss, then followed by bloody stool - everyday for two weeks straight.

By this time, I went off the meds, did my own research, and fortunately, I found many research articles linking Accutane / antibiotics to C. difficile side effects, as well as the natural inhibitor of this deadly bacteria.

I did not go in for a formal diagnosis, because I had no time to waste on stool and antigen tests. Furthermore, the available treatment options were more antibiotics, which have very high rate of recurrence and C. difficile resistance. Therefore, I took the route that I felt was the quickest, with the least side effects, and fortunately, there was one. It was simply suppress the C. difficile with Thymoquinone using black seed cumin oil while restoring normal flora with massive amount of probiotics and yogurt.

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Re: C. difficile inhibited by natural "black cumin seed oil" - with research and success story!

Postby roy » Sat Apr 14, 2018 8:27 pm

I am glad it worked for you but should point out that the first treatment for c.diff or any antibiotic associated D is to stop the offending antibiotic and let the gut flora recover.
Very often that "cures" the problem.
c.diff is only responsible for around 1 in 5 cases of antibiotic D.
Also probiotic are only temporary gut Inhabitents and are gone within 72 hours once you stop taking them.
One of our site rules is that if you have not had a stool test we can't continue your membership.
I am sure you understand that if someone just guesses what is wrong with them they are taking a huge risk with their health and we can't support that kind of foolhardy action.
Again we are glad you recovered your health but we can not go against decades of medical research and ignore the fact that natural meds probably will not cure c.diff and self treating a self diagnosed potentialy fatal disease could be extremely dangerous.

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