Do fried foods like chicken fingers cause loose stools?

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Do fried foods like chicken fingers cause loose stools?

Postby Bobbo112 » Wed Apr 25, 2018 7:31 pm

Pre apologize for any typos/errors as I’m typing this on the fly. The reason I ask is because I’ve noticed that whenever I have bland food, say soup or crackers, I notice I’ll usually (not always) have looser stools. While if I have something like pizza or chicken fingers, oddly enough, I’ll have bouts of more solid stool. I always thought it’d be the other way around and they’d be looser.

I think alcohol over the weekend screwed me a bit the first few days of this week when it came to bms (plus low grade but consistent cramps) but ANY food would usually cause loose, watery d if we truly had c diff right? Surely fatty/fried foods would screw us further?

Just wondering because I’ve had solid formed log like stools after a “guilty pleasure” meal, but I want to make sure it’s not a “hoax”. Chances are usually bland diets like toast would give us LESS of a chance for looser stools compared to eating fried right?


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Re: Do fried foods like chicken fingers cause loose stools?

Postby Ril » Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:36 pm

There are only norms or averages but no absolutes.
Generally things are as you said- fried foods, alcohol, heavy meals, dairy etc would cause GI upset in recovery HOWEVER we are humans and no two people are alike.
Some people do fine in recovery no matter what they ingest.
If that is you, just consider yourself lucky and try not to push your luck too far.


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Re: Do fried foods like chicken fingers cause loose stools?

Postby Bobbo112 » Wed Apr 25, 2018 11:55 pm

Unfortunately I feel I may have pushed my luck. I’m six weeks out post vanco and drank a copious amount of alcohol on Saturday. Usually, even pre c diff, I’d have 2-3 bms a day. Sunday I had six bms.

Three kinda normal then three watery ds, Monday one regular, two soft and kinda formed, and one watery d, yesterday two solid and two watery d, and today, four days post drinking, nothing but solid logs four times. My stomach feels lousy though. Borderline nausea, a little fatigue, and constant low grade cramping. No fever. No mucus, nothing but solid logs. After a fatty meal Tuesday night of all things.

Just makes me worried I may be relapsing. And I feel alcohol either greatly irritated my pi ibs, or caused a relapse. But would I then all the sudden have solid stools again if that were the case? Six weeks out I’d thought my stomach would be stronger.

Would a 28 year old, otherwise healthy male be a lot healthier by now? I did have another test two weeks ago, and it was positive but my id doc said based on my symptoms and what I’ve showed him (pics) I shouldn’t treat again. Now I’m worried I jumped into the lake with a pair of cement shoes instead of dipping my toe in the water like I meant to...

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