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Postby Bobbie » Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:52 pm

Now is the time to get those flu and pneumonia shots.

There are two types of each: Regular pneumovax (effective against many strains of pneumonia) and the newer Prevnarm which is effective against 13 other types. (There are hundreds of strains.)

Prevnar 13® is a vaccine approved for adults 18 years of age and older for the prevention of pneumococcal pneumonia and invasive disease caused by 13 Streptococcus pneumoniae strains (1, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 18C, 19A, 19F, and 23F)
Prevnar 13® is not 100% effective and will only help protect against the 13 strains included in the vaccine

After a certain age, pneumovax shots are no longer given. They are never annually but at different periods - which keep changing.

Flu shots now come in regular doses and extra strong. Usually the stronger one is recommend for older people. Most people tolerate the shots well - unless they are allergic to eggs.

Most people,ptolerate the shots well - unless they are allergic to a component in the shots. They are a "killed virus" - less likely to cause reactions.

Double check this information with your doctor and pharmacist. Many get their shots at a pharmacy such as Walgreens or CVS. Your insurance will cover it - including Medicare. If you get it at a doc's office, they usually charge a draw fee - also covered by insurance. The pharmacies do keep a record of the shots.

You might also consider a whooping cough shot. One of our moderators, Beth, "caught" whooping cough from a student and was very ill. Students are supposed to,be immunized before starting school. People who have been immunized in the past sometimes lose some of their protection from the shot.

There are no guarantees. I always get the shots but had pneumonia 8 times since 1993 (the first of the three times I've had c diff) but I am 75, exercise regularly, and lead an almost normal life.

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Postby beth22 » Sat Sep 17, 2016 2:22 am

Yes, I did have whooping cough. The shot for that is a combo of 3 shots - tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis. You can get just the tetanus and diphtheria combo, but believe me, you wouldn't want whooping cough. I don't know which was worse - that or c difficile. I thought my husband was going to find me dead on the bathroom floor. It is not a regular type of cough - you can't breathe and many people vomit due to the coughing and/or pass out. They also recommend it if you are around babies - so all you grandparents might think about getting vaccinated. I was told that the shot only lasts for 5 - 10 years. I still have immunity because I had it, but I will get a shot in Spring. One doctor told me that I now have lifetime immunity, but others disagree. I never want to have that again, so I will get the DPT combo as I need a tetanus booster anyway.

Will be getting my flu shot next month too. I got Influenza B in April that landed me in the hospital very seriously ill. That one I can't blame on my students - it was my husband who got it first.

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